QOD: Question of the day August 17th, 2017


ECT Question of the day and Objectives for this week.

If you were a cell phone what kind of phone would you be and why? Answer via the reply section below Be sure to include your name and period in the response!

Today’s Objective:

  1. Complete the QOD.
  2. Completing the scavenger hunt assignment.
  3. Creating Goal Chart ID’s



Introduction to Business

QOD: What are the materials that create the U.S. Currency?

Today’s Objective:

  1. Complete the QOD.
  2. Completing the scavenger hunt assignment.
  3. Creating Saving Money Goal Chart ID’s
  4. Read USA  Today article- Be ready to a quiz on this article.


43 thoughts on “QOD: Question of the day August 17th, 2017”

  1. Example: Hello! I’a Marissa from Period 4 and I am definitely an Iphone. I’m always updating myself at random times, but not in too big of a way.


  2. I would want to be an Iphone because you can still call be without paying your bill. Also Iphones have facetime. Also it has Siri.


  3. If i could be any phone I would be a iphone 5s. I would be an iphone 5s because even though it’s a smaller version it does a lot. That describes me in a way, because i am small but in sports i play a big role.


  4. I am Sakira Beck from period 3, If i was an Cell phone i would be an Andriod because of the fact that Andriods are simple and easy to use. i am a simple person and i think that i would be an Andriod.


  5. If I was to be a phone I would be an iPhone 6s plus. I choose to be this phone because, it has a lot of great features on the phone. Also , because its costs a lot and only the wealthy would be able to purchase me. Another reason I want to be a iPhone because , its one of the latest phones out.


  6. I would be a iphone because their better than most other phones. And its more popular because everybody and they mama got it.


  7. If i were a cell phone i would be an Iphone.I would be an Iphone because it’s a nice phone and it can be worth a lot.


  8. If I was a phone I would definitely be the IPhone 7. Because I’m the best at everything, favorable, and I’m the future. Period 7


  9. If I was a cell phone, then I would be a LG. I would be a LG because I have one. Also because i like the stuff that the LG has like the apps.


  10. If I was a cell phone, I would be a Galaxy because its already a good phone already but as it makes improvements over time it gets better.


  11. If I was a phone I would be a Galaxy because its already a good phone but over time as it makes improvements it just gets better than it already is.


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