ECT Questions or Writing prompt of the Day! August 19, 2016

Who are at least four people that you met during the scavenger hunt exercise on yesterday and what are some things that you learned about your classmates?

Today’s Objective:

  1. Complete the QOD.
  2. Pretest
  3. Completing Goal Chart ids on Google Docs.


42 thoughts on “ECT Questions or Writing prompt of the Day! August 19, 2016”

  1. Armondo -I learned that his birthday is in February.
    Dominique -She has more than 6 siblings like me.
    James-I learned that he went on a boat cruise at Navy Pier
    Giselle- Likes Mexican food.


  2. Four people I met during the scavenger hunt are Giselle, Samantha, Armando, and James. I learned that Giselle knows another language, Samantha was born in December, Armando likes Mexican food, and James has his own car.


  3. During the scaveneger hunt yesterday I met my classmates Diarely, James, Hasaan, and Dominique. I learned that they either played a sport, know more then one language, has 6 or more siblings, or is a different ethnicity.


  4. Four people that I met yesterday on the scavenger hurt were Hassan, Armando, Diarely, and Giselle. One thing that I learn yesterday is that no ones birth is on Feb.


  5. I met Jasmine and Zanasia and Nayali and they all had some interesting things they went, or did , they all grew up in the same area . They both like to play sports . We all had a good time doing the scavenger hunt .


  6. the four people that i met during the scavenger hunt exercise is Dominique ,Nayeli ,Samantha , Giselle that had at least 6 or more siblings or like mexican food .


  7. The four people that i met yesterday for the scavenger hunt was esmeralda i knew that she likes mexican food then i met armando i knew that he was born in Feburary then i met diarly she likes to go camping amd finally i met james i knew that he can eat a whole pizza to him self.


  8. in my first day of school i saw four people and they were very helpful and helped me get to my locker and my first class. they were very helpful.


  9. the four people i met yesterday scavenger hunt Martisha see have to wear braces David was born in February marthisha like Mexican food david likes to play sports


  10. i met 3 people during the scavenger hunt. there names were sakira, damiana, and rafael, they all had something interesting


  11. The four people i learned about were Daviana, Franketa,Davion,and Darion.Daviana has a twin,Davion also has a twin,Darion plays a sport which is basketball, and Franketa likes purple….i think.


  12. I learn that some people wasn’t the only sibling, also people spoke more than English and they like to play sports.


  13. I learned that Shauntrice played sports , Lyric was the only child , Kevin spoke a different language & Jamel liked Mexican food .


  14. I learned that Lyric likes to sing on her free time, shauntice likes to play volley ball, and Mariah’s birthday is in Februrary.


  15. I met Heaven she likes purple. I met Lyric she likes to sing. Mikyell does not like hamburgers. Tiaja do country music.


  16. Yesterday I met multiple people , but 4 names are Lyric , Heaven , Mikyell , & Christan. I learned that Lyric loves to sing. Heaven likes purple. Mikyell hates hamburgers and Christan likes sports.


  17. Mikyell: I learned that she was born in February and she doesn’t like hamburgers.
    Jamel: I learned that he had the same color shirt as be yesterday and he plays multiple sports.
    Taija: She likes country music
    Lyric W.: She has the same name as me and she is an only child.


  18. Shannon: dont like hamburgers like me.
    Kyla: likes purple like me
    sherrie: sherrie has more than 6 siblings
    syndey: likes country music


  19. I grew up with her. We were in elementary school like 3rd or 4th grade. She’s really nice and she’s a nice friend.


  20. I have know the people a little but still do not know their names yet. But I learn a lot like one of the girls has 18 siblings. Or like the kid, boy who was born in California. and i have know Ariel for like a lot of years, she is so smart.


  21. Charlotte doesn’t like hamburgers. Akeem Wheatly plays sports. Kyla loves purple. Tyreese lies about playing sports


  22. Shannon: dont like hamburgers like me.
    Kyla: likes purple like me
    jalah: Jalah’s birthday is in febuary
    syndey: likes country music


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