ECT Question of the Day! Thursday,April 27, 2017

ECT  Question of the Day! April 27, 2017

What is a fan club? Who is your favorite entertainer and what is there Fanclub email address?(Google it!)

  1. Complete the QOD.
  2.   you are to work on 2 documents today! 1) Write a letter to your favorite fan, entertainer,  or Sports/Athlete.  Use the example letter attached:   Entertainer Fan Club Template Letter – save your letter as Fans 4.27.17 send it to their email address and my email  (If you get a response from your celebrity you will get extra points! 2) Create a spreadsheet or table for the fancy cars assignment table of fancy cars     save it as Fancy Cars 4.27.17 send your spreadsheet or table to my email at

Send all assignments to my email at:

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