Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for January 16, 2018

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for January 16, 2018
Quote for the week! Tony Robins -says it’s not what we do once and a while but what we do consistently that makes a different.
Thought for the Day!
Habits of wealthy vs. the Habits of the poor
Criteria for being wealthy-someone who makes $160,000 annually with 3.2 million dollars in assets,
Poor-under $30,000 annually with less than 5,000 in assets.
Something to think about- How many believe good habits create good opportunities? 84 % of the wealthy vs. 4% of the poor.

Question of the day! What is personal property?
1. Students are to complete the QOD
2. Student will become financial advisors-completing page 24-25 student material handout today- mastering customer’s budgets.
financial assignments 1-47
3. Reading the article chapters 2 and 3 of online insurance chapters and take related quizzes. www. (Students print screen quiz responses)
And send to
4. Students will continue to work on PowerPoint Business Plan slides 6-10.
5. Students are to complete unfinished assignments!

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Friday,January 12, 2018

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Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Friday,January 12, 2018

Quote for the week! John Maxwell- if You want to see change in your life change something you do daily.

Thought for the Day!
Habits of wealthy vs. the Habits of the poor
Criteria for being wealthy-someone who makes $160,000 annually with 3.2 million dollars in assets,
Poor-under $30,000 annually with less than 5,000 in assets.
Something to think about- How many listen to audio teaching during their commute to the office? 63% of the wealthy vs. 5 % of the poor.
Question of the day! What is real property?

1. Students are to complete the QOD
2. Listening to an audio teaching today!
3. Students will continue to read chapters 1 and 2 of online insurance chapters and take related quizzes. www. (Students print screen quiz responses
And send to
4. Students will continue to work on PowerPoint Business Plan slides 6-10.
5. Students are to complete unfinished assignments!

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for January 11, 2018


Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for January 11, 2018
1. Complete the QOD.

What are the steps to insert an image from Google in a Word document?

2. Complete your vision board.Name Plates Vision Board- 8.17.16
3. Complete a Micro-type lessons 1-5.
4. Complete internet definitions sheet attached.
Internet Definitions (1)
5. Pretest.

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for January 11, 2018


Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for January 11, 2018

Quote for the week! John Maxwell- if You want to see change in your life change something you do daily.

Thought for the Day!
Habits of wealthy vs. the Habits of the poor
Criteria for being wealthy-someone who makes $160,000 annually with 3.2 million dollars in assets,
Poor-under $30,000 annually with less than 5,000 in assets.
Something to think about-How many watch reality tv shows? 7% of the wealthy vs. 78% of the poor.

Questions of the day! What started the idea of insurance? What is another name for insurance?
Today’s Objectives:
1. Students are to complete the QOD
2. Students will continue to read chapters 1 and 2 of online insurance chapters and take related quizzes. www. (Students print screen quiz responses
And send to
3. Students will continue to work on PowerPoint Business Plan slides 6-10.

4. Students are to complete unfinished assignments!

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for Wednesday, January 10, 2018

vision board 1

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The QOD for today is: What drive should we save document on?

1. Complete the QOD.
2. Sign in as guest on Micro-type and take 3 minute speed test.

Wait for instructions!
3. Creating a vision board today. Printing 2 copies
Name Plates Period 1 8.17.16 (1)
3. Completion of Micro-type. Lessons 1-5 for this week.
4. Pretest.

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Wednesday, January 10, 2018

business picture 3

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Introduction to Business

Quote for this week! John Maxwell- if You want to see change in your life, change something you do daily.

Thought for today!
Habits of wealthy vs. the Habits of the poor
Criteria for being wealthy-someone who makes $160,000 annually with 3.2 million dollars in assets,
Criteria for Poor-under $30,000 annually with less than 5,000 in assets

How many read 30 minutes or more every single day? 88% of the wealthy vs. 2% of the poor.

Questions of the day for Wednesday, January 10, 2018!
What is the formula for net income?
What are the two types of income?

Today’s Objective:
1. Completing assignments from student handbook today!
2. Group project preparing a monthly college budget.

Monthly College Budget

3. Send results to my email

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for Tuesday, January 9, 2018

vision board 2

vision board 1

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for Tuesday, January 9, 2018
The QOD for today is: In a keyboarding speed test what does the letters GWAM mean?

1. Complete the QOD.
2. Get on Micro-type, sign as Guest and take a speed test print your
3. Prepare a header on Microsoft Word-working with file management
4. Creating a vision board today!name-plates-period-1-8-17-16-1
5. Completion of Micro-type. Lessons 1-5 for this week.
6. Pretest.

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Tuesday, January 09, 2018

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Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Introduction to Business

Quote for this week! John Maxwell- if You want to see change in your life, change something you do daily!
Thought for the day! 80% of the people who win the lottery file bankruptcy in five years.

Questions of the day for Monday, January 8, 2018!
According to your Cornell notes on this week schedule, what is today’s subject?
What is the daily routine of Bill Gates?

Today’s Objective:
1. Completing assignments from student handbook today!financial assignments 1-47
2. Send results to my email

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for Monday,January 8, 2018

Achievement Standards: Apply economic concepts when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture
Use the financial concepts and tools needed by the entrepreneur in making business decisions.
Recognize that entrepreneurs must establish, maintain, and analyze appropriate records to make business decisions.
Achievement Standard: Describe current and emerging hardware; configure, install, and upgrade hardware; diagnose problems; and repair hardware.

Achievement Standard: Use various input technologies to enter and manipulate information appropriately.
V. Productivity Software
Achievement Standard: Identify, evaluate, select, install, use, upgrade, and customize productivity software; diagnose and solve software problems.
VI. Interactive Media
Achievement Standard: Use multimedia software to create media rich projects.

Today’s ECT QOD and Objectives for January 8, 2018
The QOD for today is: In keyboarding what is the correct keyboarding posture?

1. 1. Complete the QOD.
2. Prepare a header on Microsoft Word
3. Review of basic keyboarding.
4. Completion of Micro-type. Lessons 1-5 for this week.
5. Pretest

Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Monday, January 08, 2018

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Introduction to Business Today’s QOD and Objectives for Monday, January 08, 2018

Introduction to Business

Quote for this week! John Maxwell- if You want to see change in your life, change something you do daily.
Thought for the day! Famous people have a routine!

Questions of the day for Monday, January 8, 2018!
According to your Cornell notes on this week schedule, What is today’s subject?
What is Howard Shultz CEO of Starbucks morning routine?

Today’s Objective:
1. Review on Financial Management and Money Management.

Cornell Notes BLANK Template Financial Planning 1.08.17
2. Completing worksheet Chapter 12 and 16 textbook refer pages 292 and 422 business assignments for 1.08.17
3. Send results to my email